Hits: 2270


near POTOSI (Compass)

Lat:00o00´S/00o00´W ha topography msl 
Protected/registered status 
Best Time for visit (9th January, 2005)


Birding Site Guide

Potosi was reached in an arduous 3 and a half hour bus ride from the town of Chinandega in north-west Nicaragua. The first bus left at 8am arriving at 11:30, too late for serious birding. My bird finding book said no accommodation was available in Potosi. This is true but a few kms before the town, there was an obvious sign for the Hostal Hacienda Cosiguina. This would make a good base for an earlier assent of the volcano. A trail led up from the bus stop in Potosi. It had several branches but I kept to the main one leading up hill. which took me up to about 250m altitude. A bus went back at 3pm giving me only 3 hours birding in the middle of the day. Inspite of this I saw a good range of species but not the Scarlet Macaw which supposedly has a remnant population here. During my walk on the lower slopes a man on horseback passed me carrying an air rifle and looked to be hunting, showing that there is no actual protection in this protected area. A morning here climbing to better quality forest should produce many more species. I saw 39 species including 3 lifers

Species seen

Other Fauna 
A total of -- species of mammals. 

There are -- recorded species of amphibians and reptiles. 


Author: Charles Hesse