Hits: 2253


FALCÓN (Coro) (n)

Lat:00o00´S/00o00´W 20,000ha, 200-1500m, xerophytic scrub, tropical dry, moist forests and premontane humid forest 
Protected/registered status 
Best Time for visit (23rd-24th September, 2006)


Birding Site Guide

Near to Coro there is some nice dry forest and scrub with some localised species endemic to the NW of Venezuela and NE Colombia. There is also a strange isolated mountain range nearby with some nice birds. The beautiful city of Coro makes a good base. Coro is easily accessed from Valencia. I came from Barquisemeto but had to change cars once. Coro has many places to stay, eat and do internet. I stayed at the Posada El Gallo near the San Clemente church which was nice and only B15,000 for a single room. The couple that own it don´t like to wake up before 7am though which is not great for early mornings. From the centre take a bus back to the terminal and from there buses but more often Por Puestos leave for the town of Curimaguas (about 1 hour away) in the Sierra San Luis. Take this to where the road starts to rise up. Here I found an excellent area for dry forest species. Look out for where the road goes over a dip before starting the climb. Walk along this dry valley. Here I had White-whiskered Spinetail, Orinocan Saltator, Vermillion Cardinal, Buffy Hummingbird, Crested Bobwhite and many other species. If you carry on along this road, you reach La Cumbre (the peak). The coro side of this has a bit of forest with some interesting birds. This area might also be good at dawn and dusk for Yellow-shouldered Parrots. I only heard this species flying over the city in the early morning. I saw 82 species including 10 lifers.

Species seen

Other Fauna 
A total of -- species of mammals. 

There are -- recorded species of amphibians and reptiles. 


Author: Charles Hesse