Category: BRITAIN
Hits: 2388



CUMBRIA (Maryport, Workington), (S, N)

Protected status 
Anytime, autumn and spring especially (several visits 2007)


Birding Site Guide

FLIMBY rugby pitch 

National Grid NX 0208833672 54o41´18´´/03o31´13´´ N/A ha m, mown grass 

This is a guaranteed site for Mediterranean Gull. From the A596 take a E turn in Flimby along Brook Street then almost immediate right past Princess Royal Pub on Sand Lane from where it is possible to park and view the pitch. 

National Grid NX 079426

54o46´/03o25´ N/A ha m, mown grass 
All the beach here is a good area to look for waders and seabirds. The low dunes also can harbour wintering Twite. There are car parks scattered all along the coastal A596, and at Allonby there is a cafe, shop etc. Raven is fairly common along this coast, and Natterjack Toads breed in some areas.

Author: BSG