Category: BRAZIL
Hits: 2790


PARANA (near), (Compass)

Lat:00o00´S/00o00´W ha topography msl 
Protected/registered status 
Best Time for visit (time visited)


Birding Site Guide

There are a network of small protected sites around the city where people can observe birds, and these are. 

1 GUIERREZ 1.8km square Atlantic forest 

2 JOÃO PAULO 5km square forest with pine 

3 PASSEIO PÚBLICO 6.9km square native and exotic 

4 REINHARD MAACK 7.8km square 

5 IBERÉ DE MATTOS 7.8m square 

6 SÃO LOURENÇO 20.3km square 

7 PASSAÚNA 23.7km square 

8 BARRERINHA 38.0km square 

9 ZOOLÓGICO IGUAÇU 30.0km square 

10 BARIGUI 140.0km square 

These 10 areas form a network of parks around the city of Curitiba, which can all be easily reached by bus. Leaflets with maps can be picked up from the tourist information centres. 

Species list