Category: CHILE
Hits: 2312


CHILOE (Compass)

Lat:00o00´S/00o00´W ha topography msl 
Protected/registered status 
Best Time for visit (11th April, 2005)


Birding Site Guide

This lake is on the road towards the entrance to the Parque Nacional de Chiloe at Cucao. We wanted to visit here on a day trip but out of the high season there is only 1 bus a day, leaving at 12:30pm. Instead we took a bus to XXXXXX and got off on the highway before the bus turned off left into the town. From here it was a 2-3 km walk along the road to a right turn from where we hitched the 8km to the town of Huillinco on the edge of the large lake. From the town, there was good forest along the road. Along here we saw the regional endemics, Chucao Tapaculo and Black-throated Huet Huet. We also saw Slender-billed Parakeets after getting off the bus at the highway. Chilean Flamingos have occasionally been seen at the lake but we saw none. I saw 41 species. 

Species seen 

Other Fauna 
A total of -- species of mammals. 

There are -- recorded species of amphibians and reptiles. 


Author: Charles Hesse