Category: PANAMA
Hits: 2275


EL COPE (near) (Compass)

Lat:00o00´S/00o00´W ha topography msl 
Protected/registered status 
Best Time for visit (11-12th March, 2005)


Birding Site Guide

This national park has excellent forest but very bad weather. Our first day there was OK but the second we had heavy rain and saw very little. Access is a little difficult. There are hourly minibuses to Escuela de Barrigon from 5:30am. These leave from in front of the supermarket in town to Barrigon 4km away. From there it is a further 4 or so kms up a steep hill. This walk was quite birdy. After you pass the gate of the park there is a building on the left where you can buy your entrance tickets ($3.50). The best spot for birding is further along past 2 buildings on the right (one a new visitor’s centre where it may be possible to stay). Just as the road starts to climb there is a trail leading down to the left. 500m down this trail I saw Blue-and-gold Tanager and a little before that, Black Guan. I didn't find my other target species, the Red-fronted Parrotlet. I saw 65 species including 6 lifers. 

Species seen

Other Fauna 
A total of -- species of mammals. 

There are -- recorded species of amphibians and reptiles. 


Author: Charles Hesse