PUNO (Compass)

Lat:13o30´S/69o15´W ha topography msl 
Protected/registered status 
Best Time for visit (time visited) 

Birding Site Guide

Although none of these 3 areas are particularly large in international standards on their own, they are in fact all tightly linked together on the very sw border of Peru. The natural reserve is now the larger of the 3 areas and this surrounds the national park situated to the e and the heath is to the n. Furthermore, just over the border in Bolivia (see accounts under Bolivia), there is an even more extensive network of inter-connected protected areas of various sorts, and these are ALTO MADIDI NATIONAL PARK, with MANURIPI HEATH AMAZONICA NATIONAL RESERVE to its n which stretches away ne, ULLA ULLA FAUNISTIC RESERVE joining it to the s, to its se is PILÓN LAJAS BIOSPHERE RESERVE which has to its se the AREA PROTECTION DIVISORIA DE AGUAS EVA EVA which further connects on its s side to ISIBORO SECURE NATIONAL PARK. Altogether this huge area constitutes well over 6,721,000ha (thought there is a certain amount of estimate in this calculation, and the given size for Isiboro seems way too large by about 600,000ha!) which although not that large on a world scale of protected places (the world’s largest national park is 70,000,000ha in N Greenland; to Denmark) is nonetheless a huge area of tropical habitats. It is also along with the Chocó of w Colombia and w Ecuador, the most biodiversity of areas on earth (the Chocó holds the world record for tree diversity at 550 spp/ha but the Subtropical Yungas and Subtropical Amazonia area just has the edge on avian diversity). The 2 countries, Peru and Bolivia deserve praise for not only preserving such a huge area of habitat, but also for making sure it covered so much altitude and habitat types. 


Species seen 

Other Fauna 
A total of -- species of mammals. 

Author: BSG