Hits: 2407


MONAGAS (Caripe) ()

Lat:00o00´S/00o00´W 45,500ha, 900-2324m, premontane, moist montane and humid tropical forests 
Protected/registered status 
Best Time for visit (7rd October, 2006)


Birding Site Guide

This park is also known as Alejandro de Humboldt and has the largest know oilbird cave with many thousands of birds roosting inside. You can take a bus or taxi to the entrance and join a tour of the cavern. This is very popular with Venezuelan tourists but the tours are mainly for looking at the formations. I used the town Los Caripe as a base where I managed to find a hotel for 20,000B. There are also a few places to eat (hot dogs) and do internet. I tried to find good forest on Cerro Negro at altitudes for some of the endemics such as Grey-headed Warbler and White-throated Barbtail. I found some after getting totally lost but none noteworthy. There is a nice trail across from the cave entrance which goes up to a waterfall. This is at a lower elevation and is only good for general birding. I tried to climb up this to get to forest higher up without success. After talking to one of the cave guides, I found out a place to try is called Sabana de Piedra but I didn’t have any more time. Ask locals about access. This is nearby and you can hike up from here to reach forest with interesting species. I saw 46 species including 0 lifers.

Species seen

Other Fauna 
A total of -- species of mammals. 

There are -- recorded species of amphibians and reptiles. 


Author: Charles Hesse